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Coping Skills Training

Flipping your lid? Tantrums? Meltdowns?

We are delighted to offer a coping skills and co-regulation strategies training! The amazing Casey Gardner, MSSW, GT Social Emotional Learning Counselor, will teach us skills to help children as well as ourselves. This is one of the best trainings to attend to help others find their calm! Self regulation skills are needed in nearly every setting. Learn the best strategies and skills to assist yourself and others.

You will feel uplifted after listening to Casey, who also happens to be a child whisperer! Every person who works with children needs the knowledge Casey will be teaching us! For adults, learning these additional skills will help you take better care of yourself!

Calming strategies, coping strategies, regulation strategies. Do you know someone who could use help? Join us! Every training is complimentary!

This training has already occurred but we have a recording for you below!

Presentation download:

DeAngelis Presentation


Parents, families, guardians, educators, law enforcement, school safety staff, community members, and secondary students. Learning and practicing these strategies can help us all!