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DeAngelis Center Foundation Offers FREE Innovative Training Programs

to Promote School and Community Safety

Comprehensive Instruction Continues through 2025


Sept. 23, 2024 – Golden, CO – The DeAngelis Center Foundation announces its fall and winter training schedule supporting school and community safety with a variety of free events. These state-of-the-art training programs are presented by experienced DeAngelis Center Foundation subject matter experts, who have worked in the field with real, ‘hands on’ experience.

“We are thrilled to once again offer incredible opportunities to support school and community safety through experienced-based training focused on prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery,” said Shawna Fritzler, Executive Director, DeAngelis Center Foundation. “Budget constraints should not be a barrier to receiving comprehensive instruction in best safety and security practices and we’re proud to offer these events for free to first responders and others who strive to keep our schools and communities safe.”


360 Degree School Resource Officer (SRO)

Link to Register:

Dates Offered: Mon., Nov. 4/9am – 12pm or Mon., Mar. 31, 2025/9am – 12pm

Attendees: SROs in law enforcement and school safety staff

About the Training: This 3-hour training explores the SRO/School Safety from the trainer’s background of working in the schools for 20+ years and in Law Enforcement for 33 years. Some of the topics will include historical perspective, developing a purpose, fitting the educational mold, mental health and suicide ideation, school safety and drills, self-care among other topics


De-escalation Training

Link to Register:

Dates Offered: Thur., Oct. 17/9am – 12pm; Fri., Jan. 3, 2025/1pm – 4pm; Mon., Jan. 6, 2025/9am – 12pm or Fri. Feb. 14, 2025/9am – 12pm

Attendees: Educators, first responders, law enforcement, school safety staff & behavioral health staff

About the Training: This 3-hour training deals with de-escalating non-compliance, disruptions, abusive and other conflicts during in-person and phone contacts and is presented in collaboration with Dr. John Nicoletti. The training will utilize a combination of didactic discussions, case examples and case discussions to meet the training objectives to de-escalate situations in communities, schools and/or classrooms.


Mental Illness Overview

Link to Register:

Date offered: Fri., Oct. 4/9am – 12pm, additional dates to be announced.

Attendees: Law enforcement, first responders, school safety personnel, behavioral health staff and educators

About the Training: This presentation offers an in-depth overview of mental illnesses, focusing on diagnostic criteria and etiologies. Attendees will learn about various mental health conditions including mood disorders, psychotic disorders, personality disorders, neurodevelopmental disorders, and neurocognitive disorders. Emphasis will be placed on the causes of these disorders, as well as how they are identified and distinguished from one another. By the end of the presentation, participants will gain an enhanced ability to recognize symptoms and understand these conditions more effectively.


Scenario-Based Defensive Tools Training

Link to Register:

Dates Offered:  Fri., Oct. 25/8am – 5pm or Wed., Feb. 19, 2025/8am – 5pm

Attendees: School safety staff, law enforcement, first responders and Parks and Recreation responders

About the Training: This full day event features a tactical decision-making matrix, a “P.I.E.” (Priorities, Intel, & Environment) overview and how to apply to real world situations. The course includes scenario-based force on force dilemmas to help develop decision making capabilities and build confidence, while dealing with non-compliant individuals. Refreshers on handcuffing, baton deployment, and conducted electrical weapon use will be included. Attendees are required to bring note taking materials, as well as tools they deploy with while conducting on the job duties.


Situational Awareness Training

Link to Register:

Date Offered: Thurs., Nov. 14/9am – 11am

Attendees: OPEN TO ANYONE who prioritizes personal safety and the safety of others

About the Training:  This 2-hour event provides an overview of historical and personal perspective to safety, levels of awareness and an overview of the Cooper Color Code, technology and its impact on situational awareness, tips to better situational awareness, personal and work applications, among other topics.


Several other trainings offered can be found here –


These events are fully sponsored by non-profit DeAngelis Center Foundation and are being provided at no cost to attendees. If participants can donate to assist in keeping these vital trainings free for everyone, they can log on here. Scholarship funds for travel expense are available for law enforcement in rural areas who need assistance, but it must be coordinated in advance. Interested parties much register and there are limited seats for each event. We invite you to subscribe to our newsletter to ensure you receive announcements of additional trainings and dates:


About DeAngelis Center Foundation

The unique mission of the DeAngelis Center Foundation supports school and community safety through experienced-based training focused on prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery while maintaining a positive climate and culture. Budget constraints should never present a barrier to receiving comprehensive instruction in best safety and security practices; therefore, the DeAngelis Center Foundation provides programs and support free of charge or low cost to the best of their ability. We are structured as a 501(c)(3) non-profit and are reliant upon the receipt of grants and donations. To donate, please click on the following link: