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De-escalation Training

Dealing with and De-Escalating Non-Compliance, Disruptive, Abusive and Other Conflicts During in Person and Phone Contacts

We’re delighted to offer this training for educators, first responders, law enforcement, school safety staff, and behavioral health staff in collaboration with Dr. John Nicoletti. Learn how to de-escalate situations in your community, school, and/or classroom! See below for full description and registration. This training is worth 3 credit hours.

Training to be held at The Frank DeAngelis Center for Community Safety.

Cost: This training is fully sponsored by the DeAngelis Center Foundation and is being provided at no cost to participants. Should you be able to make a donation to assist in keeping our trainings free for everyone, you can do that here.

Class Size: Registrations beyond the class size will be waitlisted in the order received to fill openings in the event of any cancellations and gain priority in future trainings.

See registration below for dates and times!

Training Detail:

Dealing with and De-Escalating Non-Compliance, Disruptive, Abusive and Other Conflicts During in Person and Phone Contacts

The training will utilize a combination of didactic, discussions, case examples and case discussions to meet the training objectives. The training will incorporate the following domains:
1. Pre contact preparation considerations. This step would involve gathering information about the contact and identification of potential triggers.
2. Contact behavioral assessment
3. Language based triggers
4. Goals and Roles development
5. Early warning behaviors of a potential conflict
6. Initiating the communication and building rapport
7. Conflict mediation and de-escalation techniques
8. Utilization of ACT Guidelines


  • Identification of contact’s personality characteristics
  • Understanding words and their relationship to reactions
  • Assessing and labeling of client behaviors to include-Compliant, Passive Resistive, Active Resistive and Assaultive
  • Developing contact goals
  • Developing contact roles
  • Identification of warning behaviors related to conflict or non-compliance.


  • Choosing introductory statements
  • Building rapport—utilizing the six core communication options
  • Request making to build Cognitive Dissonance
  • Real time contact behavioral and Threat Assessment
  • Combining rapport building with de-escalation techniques
  • Activation of ACT Guidelines

Please watch for a final confirmation indicating that a spot has been secured for you or you have been placed on our waitlist for cancellations or future classes. Your final confirmation email will come approximately 2 weeks prior to the training, or once the class is full, whichever comes first. Please ensure that you save the date on your calendar once you register to ensure the class can go forward without attendees jeopardizing the training for others by cancelling at the last minute.

Note: This training is not designed to replace tactical response when the situation calls for tactical response for law enforcement and school safety staff.