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DeAngelis Center Rules

Rules for the Frank DeAngelis Center for Community Safety Training Center:

In order to keep our facility clean and in good working order, we ask that you follow the following rules:

  1. Please do a pre-check of the facility before using it.
    • Please mark down any damage or dirty rooms in the facility on the provided check in/out form by the front door or email the Executive Director at
  2. Please make sure all exterior doors are closed and secure before you leave.
  3. Please throw away your trash and clean counters/floors of trash or food debris.
  4. Use of simunition:
    • No simunition is to be used in the training room or other rooms as indicated on doors.
    • Please do not shoot the glass with the simunition.
    • Please pick up all brass.
    • Please wipe down all walls in the rooms you use simunition.
    • There are rags in the front office and a mop bucket by the front door.
  5. Furniture and chairs are NOT allowed to be rearranged or removed from the rooms.
  6. Please vacuum up any mess you make in the building.
  7. Call Dispatch 303-982-2442 before you leave so they can alarm the building.
  8. If you need to cancel for any reason, please contact 
  9. Please take the grill outside to use & please bring it back in when done – ensure it is cooled.
  10. Propane tank is in the black container outside. (Key is attached to the BBQ Grill)
  11. Please turn the propane tank off & place back into the black container after you are done.
  12. Please use the scrub brush to clean the gill after you use it. Please clean all grill utensils after you use them.
  13. Please take all food you put into the refrigerator with you at the end of your building use. Refrigerators are to be cleaned out at the end of each training class.


***If you are seeking to utilize the DeAngelis Center, please email