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Scenario Based Defensive Tools

We’re delighted to offer this training in collaboration with A.J. DeAndrea and Centurio Training.

This is a a one day scenario based course for school safety staff, law enforcement, and first responders (Parks and Rec responders are included.) This training is complete with refreshers on Handcuffing, Baton Deployment, and CEW use. 

Attendees will understand the tactical decision-making matrix, “P.I.E.” (Priorities, Intel, & Environment) and be able to apply it to real world situations.
The course includes scenario based force on force dilemmas to help develop decision making capabilities and build confidence while dealing with non compliant individuals. Attendees will be required to bring note taking materials as well as the tools that they deploy with while doing their daily duties.


Training to be held at The Frank DeAngelis Center for Community Safety.


This training is fully sponsored by the DeAngelis Center Foundation and is being provided at no cost to participants. Should you be able to make a donation to assist in keeping our trainings free for everyone, you can do that here.

Class Size: Registrations beyond the class size will be waitlisted in the order received to fill openings in the event of any cancellations and gain priority in future trainings.

See registration below for dates and times!

Training Details: Tactical Decision Making Matrix PIE, Warm-up, Handcuffing/Searches, Baton, Conducted Electrical Weapon (CEW), Force on Force Lecture, Red Man (3 Scenarios) / Simulator, Debrief

Please watch for a final confirmation indicating that a spot has been secured for you or you have been placed on our waitlist for cancellations or future classes. Your final confirmation email will come approximately 2 weeks prior to the training, or once the class is full, whichever comes first. Please ensure that you save the date on your calendar once you register to ensure the class can go forward without attendees jeopardizing the training for others by cancelling at the last minute.